Sherlock Holmes

Been reading Sir Arther Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes books recently and getting quite hooked. It is amazing how Sherlock puts together lots of little details and observations to solve the crime. Or little observations about the wear on a watch or the footprints of someone to gain a picture of them. For example with the footprints it may be a deep clear one indicating a good quality boot so someone with money and the length between the footprints can in be used to work out the height of someone.
It is fascinating how all sorts of little seemingly insufficient things can be used to build up a complete picture of someone. So this has just got me thinking what can other people pick up about me? What are the little things that I do or how I act that either creates a good or bad image of me.
And what can people read into my character and personality? For example when I am feeling nervous and wanting to hide/blend in the background I’ll wear black and not say much. But when I am comfortable and confident I’m more likely to wear colourful things. The other day I took a risk, well for me, and brought a brightly coloured peach top. Normally I go for blues(my favourite colour), black, brown or army green colours when buying clothes.