Thursday, July 20, 2006


I love comics. Last night I couldn't sleep so pulled out my Calvin & Hobbes book. Which by the way didn't help I just kept my room mate awake with my laughing!

I like Calvin's witty take on life. The way he is always up to something, creating dinosaur footprints in the snow of the front yard, making a snowman army. or destroying the evil leaf pile monster. Also the way he interacts with his tiger Hobbes how they play tricks on each other and compete with clavinball or scrabble.

But also the comments:
"I like maxims that don't encourage behavior modification. "
"Every time I've built character, I've regretted it"
"As far as I'm concerned, if something is so complicated that you can't explain it in 10 seconds, then it's probably not worth knowing anyway. "
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning. "

Anyway there's a few go and google to find the actual comic strips, if you have never read them you are in for a nice surprise.

I also like Garfield, Nemi(a Norweyian comic translated into English about a sacrastic gothic chick), Footrot flats( a kiwi comic about a rural farm). Oh and the simpsons they are fantastic!

PS you now know what to get me for christmas!


Blogger Unknown said...
This is the page I was telling you about- I especiall like the one that says:
That's the difference between me and the rest of the world. Happiness isn't good enough, I demand Euphoria!

Hehe, nice one Calvin.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Clovergirl said...

Hmmmm, I'm more of a Dilbert fan myself: I have a desk calender that Filipo sent me for Christmas with a different Dilbert for every day - what luxury!

11:42 PM  

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