
During my trip to Egypt we spent 4 days of bliss in Dahab on the red sea. We ate great food, loads of seafood. Calamari , Snapper, Shrimp. I am a seafood fan so I was in heaven. Added to that we had freshly squezzed mango juice. Yummy.
Apart from the climb up Mt Sinai we had a very relaxing time. Cut off from the rush of life we chilled out. Twice we went snorkelling at the blue hole, which is a big 100m hole. Some crazy people were holding a free diving competition, thats no breathing equpiment and one girl went down to 40m! There is coral reef running along the coast. We hired the equipment and went for a stunning swim. The water was so clear and the fish blue, green, multicoloured, and more. Were just amazing. The just ignored us and swam around. We had pizza at a restruent over looking the beach sitting on cushions around a low table with more food then we could eat. Then back in the water for another swim. Ahh

I also had a go at scrub diving. My friend and I went on an intro dive were the instructor controls the buoyancy, air pressure ect and you just get to swim around looking at the fish. Learnt the three basic skills, clearing mask, equalizing ear pressure, what to do if mouth piece falls out. And some hand signals like ok, I've got a problem, look at that. and then we were off. And it was amazing. I loved it when I have some spare money I will go back to Dahab and get qualified as a diver. ie get my PADI certificate. Yeah baby.